hopequest blog


Woodstock, GA – The unprecedented times in our community and our country means that there are many people struggling. “People that have been running away from addictions, depression, loneliness, and other personal battles for some time need help now, … [Read more...]

Fight for Freedom

“The primary reason most people do not know the freedom and life Christ promised is that they won’t fight for it, or they have been told not to fight for it. Friends, we are now in the midst of an epic battle, a brutal and vicious war against an … [Read more...]

Transformation Happens at HopeQuest…

Hi, I'm Brian Minor, and I went through the Trek program in 2017. Whether you’re a Trek alum, attend Walking Free or Journey, been to a Reclaiming Families Weekend, or are a dear friend and support the ministry of HopeQuest, we all have been touched … [Read more...]