about us

The bottom line…

HopeQuest is a family of ministries that helps individuals and families impacted by addiction experience hope, freedom and life. People are looking for hope in the face of addiction. We walk with them on their quest to find it.

It all started when…

The story of HopeQuest is a story of faith and a deep desire to walk with others through the pain and destruction of addiction towards healing, transformation and freedom. True answers and real help are not all that easy to find in our world today. Even the church has been challenged to know how to respond in a way that is both truthful and helpful to struggling people who are seeking real and lasting change. HopeQuest was born in the late 1990s out of a growing realization that people and churches needed practical help that was both Christ-centered and clinically-effective.

These days…

Today, HopeQuest is made up of several ministries dedicated to helping individuals and families recover from addiction. We offer long-term residential treatment, support and counseling for family members, support groups for sex addicts and their spouses, help for ministers and their families, and consulting/training for churches and church leaders. The HopeQuest staff is made up of amazing men and women who bring their own stories of healing to the team, as well as unique gifts and abilities. All of us enjoy a personal relationship with God and feel called to help people struggling with addiction. For us, this is more than a job; it is a ministry.

Where we’re headed…

Though God has been changing lives, and thousands have been helped through the various HopeQuest ministries, we never want to grow complacent. There is much to do, lots to learn and countless more to help. Our team continues to grow and learn, building skills and deepening faith in order to serve others well. Our hope is to expand our campus to accommodate more people. Our dream is to replicate our ministries across the country and around the world. Our vision is to continue helping people write new stories, one life at a time.