From losing your job to losing your family, addiction will rob you of those things that matter to you most.
Feelings of hopelessness and helplessness can make you believe you can never overcome addiction and that you are alone in this journey. At HopeQuest, we can help you feel hopeful again.
Becoming sober is a great beginning. Staying sober is an important key to the journey. God has much more in-store for you. A life of meaning and purpose. A life of recovery and relationships. A life of freedom and hope.
“It was by the grace of God that I came out of that wreck alive and that I didn’t inadvertently kill someone else. I intentionally turned off my airbags and unbuckled my seatbelt expecting my life to be over yet I came out with only moderately significant injuries. It is one of the most powerful displays of God’s mercy that I have ever experienced.”
– Michael Renke
It’s time to leave the destructive actions that have hurt you and others for so long.
Be a part of recovering and restoring broken relationships.
Reclaim time and money wasted on addiction.
Live the life you have always wanted.
Clinically EffectiveCARF AccreditedState Licensed |
Faith plays an essential role in recovery.
For over 20 years we have helped thousands of people experience a life free from addiction.
Addiction is overwhelming. You’ve tried to stop but keep giving in. Taking some time away to get the help you need could be your best option.
You are local to HopeQuest. You’ve tried counseling and the struggle remains. Our Intensive Out-Patient program will give you the treatment you need on a schedule that works for you.
You are in a support group but realize you need more. Outpatient counseling sessions with one of our experienced therapists that specialize in addiction may be a good fit for you.
If you are struggling with addiction or have a loved one that is, there are groups for you.
Our admissions team is ready to answer all of your questions.
Discover the next best steps for you.
What you long for is possible and it begins today.