A year ago I was in a relapse of my addiction, hiding it from my wife for a second time. 30 days later I crashed. It was as if God said, “Okay Steve . . . are you done?” and rescued me and brought me to this oasis in the woods of Georgia to begin to heal my broken heart.
I went through the Trek program last July and achieved September 22nd not knowing what God was going to do with me at 55 years old. Every day I was at Trek I asked Him, “Who would want me?” It turns out God had a place for me and it was right back here at HopeQuest. I didn’t see that one coming and it has driven this point home in my heart:
God is not finished with me yet. My best days are still ahead!
Your giving to HopeQuest is making it possible for broken men like myself to begin to experience healing, hope and freedom. I simply can’t thank you enough for making this possible!

I want to share with you some images you don’t normally get to see. Every Thursday night at Trek is a holy night. There’s at least one guy, sometimes two or three, who are achieving from the program and we have a bonfire to honor them and speak truth into their life. I wish I could record what each man says to the honored “graduate.” You would be blown away and be wiping tears from your eyes over the love these men share for each other.

After we are done, we huddle around our newest Trek alum by the cross and 3 guys pray over him asking Almighty God to keep doing His work in him and protect him from the Evil one. It’s a band of brothers like no other. Former Special Forces men who come through Trek have told us this program was harder than serving in our nation’s military.
And YOU make it all possible!
We recently completed our “Match It March” annual campaign (which we let run into April) where we challenged our Walking Free groups and our Trek alumni to give according to their ability. Many gave $5, $20 or $100, whatever they could, and even asked their co-workers, family and friends to give. Their total giving was matched by some of our most generous donors and together they gave $75,000.00! This is what God does in the hearts of broken men who have experienced His unconditional love and grace.
We are putting this $75,000.00 before God and asking Him to multiply it one more time with giving from all our faithful friends who give to HopeQuest.
Would you be as generous as you can and ask Him what He would have you give to HopeQuest this month?
Bless you for the part you play in being God’s instruments to “rescue the brokenhearted whose spirits are crushed.” (Psalm 34:18) He continues to do His most AMAZING work here at HopeQuest and we are incredibly grateful for your support.

Steve Cummings
Director of Development
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