hopequest blog

If Only I Had a Heart

" The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched; they must be felt with the heart." - Helen Keller What do you consider to be the most beautiful things in the world?  Helen Keller says these things cannot be seen or touched, … [Read more...]

Do You Love Yourself?

That’s right, you. The past month we have talked about the stereotype of the perfect family, the “heart dump”, and the benefits of personal counseling.  These are all methods of reaching the same goal: mental and emotional health, for you and the … [Read more...]

Spilling Your Guts…

Ever feel like you just want to spill your guts to someone without any judgment, without any unsolicited advice?  Gosh I have…I remember a point in my life when I felt like all the emotions I had completely consumed me.  My circumstances were … [Read more...]

State of Emergency

We pray you are safely home with your loved ones during this ice and snow storm! The state of Georgia is in a state of emergency. At Hopequest, the ongoing tumultuous weather has created a state of emergency for us personally. In addition to the two … [Read more...]