We Help Addicted Men and Their Families

Experience God’s Plan for Freedom and Hope.

Life is too short to be stuck in addiction

Addiction ruins everything

From losing your job to losing your family, addiction will rob you of those things that matter to you most.

You can overcome addiction

Feelings of hopelessness and helplessness can make you believe you can never overcome addiction and you are alone in this journey. At HopeQuest, we can help you feel hopeful again.

You were designed for more

Becoming sober is a great beginning. Staying sober is an important key to the journey. God has much more in store for you. A life of meaning and purpose. A life of recovery and relationships. A life of freedom and hope.

The wreck should have killed me…

“It was by the grace of God that I came out of that wreck alive and that I didn’t inadvertently kill someone else. I intentionally turned off my airbags and unbuckled my seatbelt expecting my life to be over yet I came out with only moderately significant injuries. It is one of the most powerful displays of God’s mercy that I have ever experienced.”

– Michael Renke

It’s time to reclaim your life.

Gain Sobriety

It’s time to leave the destructive actions that have hurt you and others for so long.

Heal Relationships

Recover and restore broken relationships.

Save Time and Money

Reclaim time and money wasted on addiction. 

Experience Freedom and Hope

Live the life you’ve always wanted.

20+ years of Christ-centered, clinically effective treatment with proven results

Clinically Effective

CARF Accredited

State Licensed

Masters-level therapists

Certifications specific to addiction:


Christ Centered

Faith plays an essential role in recovery.

For over 20 years, we have helped thousands of people experience a life free from addiction.

“I will forever be thankful and grateful for each person on the HopeQuest campus because of the profound impact this place has had on my life. My life has done a 180 degree change and I am walking this journey hand in hand with King Jesus and even when I sin, God is faithful to give me grace and I can acknowledge the good and keep growing into the man God called me to be. Thank you HopeQuest staff and know your impact on my life has been enormous and I cannot wait to cause a ripple effect on those around me.” 

– LH

“This place is hard to sum up but I will say that for years I prayed to God and asked that he help me. God has answered my prayer through HopeQuest. This program has been tough but I know I am walking out on Friday a new person and that I all thanks to God and HopeQuest allowing Him to use every staff member here. I will tell others about this place and the change it has been for me and all the incredible tools I have learned here. I now know who I am and know that with the help of God and other godly men I can live life free from my addiction.” 

– DS

“This program has given me another shot at life. I would have been divorced if I hadn’t come here to HopeQuest. I never would have taken off my mask. My relationship with Christ would have been minimal. My time here has been eye-opening and I am forever grateful for the staff and program.” 

– BM

“I had a lot of fear and a lot of doubt. I wasn’t sure I could change. I wasn’t sure that God loved or even cared about me. My time at HopeQuest  has shown me the importance of truth, of community and of releasing shame. That weight was always so heavy to carry alone. Realizing my importance to God and the relationship I have with Him has been a huge factor in my time here as well as TRUST… trust for others, for myself and for God has made a lasting difference and will change the way I approach relationships moving forward. It’s been life-changing.” 

– ZJ

“Incredible. Life-saving. I truly believe God has used this time and the HopeQuest program to change my life. I believe as I continue in recovery, the tools I’ve learned here will push me to success in all of my relationships. I will be a better husband, father, friend and man because of my time here.” 

– RM 

“Honestly, words fail to describe what takes place here. It is like God pushes the ‘pause button’ on life and drops you in the middle of the smartest, most caring team in the world and – in me – works miracle after miracle through them for 12 weeks. I am closer to the Lord. For the first time I understand my value – identity. I also know my trauma and triggers. I wouldn’t trade the past 12 weeks for ANYTHING!” 

– CD

Services We Provide

Residential Treatment

Addiction is overwhelming. You’ve tried to stop but keep returning to familiar patterns. Taking some time away to get the help you need could be your best option.

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Intensive Outpatient Treatment

You are local to HopeQuest. You’ve tried counseling and the struggle remains. Our Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) will give you the treatment you need on a schedule that works for you.

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Outpatient Counseling

You are in a support group but realize you need more. Outpatient counseling sessions with one of our experienced therapists that specialize in addiction may be a good fit for you.

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Support Groups

If you are struggling with addiction or have a loved one that is, there are groups for you.

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What Do I Do Now?

1. Call Our Admissions Team Today

Our Admissions Team is available to address any questions you may have.

2. Determine the Treatment Needed

Discover the next best steps for you.

3. Begin Your Journey Towards Freedom and Hope

What you hope for is possible, and the journey begins today.

We don’t just care about your sobriety. We care about you.

At HopeQuest, we understand your desire to break free from addiction. To achieve this, you need effective and compassionate support tailored to your needs. However, finding care that integrates a Christian perspective with a reliable clinical approach can be challenging, leaving you feeling hopeless. We are here to help you navigate this journey with faith and proven strategies.

We believe people impacted by addiction should have access to affordable, effective clinical treatment without having to compromise their faith.

We have provided professional clinical care from a Christian perspective to thousands of individuals and families for more than 20 years.

Here’s how we do it:

1. Call our Admissions Team today

2. Determine the treatment that is needed

3. Begin your journey towards freedom and hope

Read “5 questions every treatment program should answer before you say yes,” and call our Admissions Team now. Embrace a new life filled with freedom and hope.