hopequest blog

Walking Free – Week Twenty-Three

How do you talk about the behavior that brought you to Walking Free? Do you hear yourself telling the group that your bad choices “just happened” or that your unaffectionate wife is to blame? Do you tell your spouse that she is “over-reacting” or that “it could be worse?” Do you think to yourself that you are not like the other men in the group and probably don’t belong?

Or is your heart moving toward the place of personal responsibility? David, the ruling king of the nation, was so mortified by his behavior that he admitted to God, himself, and others that he had done evil. And he accepted that others were justified in calling him out over his sin. David didn’t push back; he bowed down before the Lord with a broken and contrite heart.

Whether you are resistant or repentant or somewhere in between, God still loves you, friend. He wants to come alongside you and help you change. The Bible is clear: God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble (James 4:6). He draws near to those who are brokenhearted and willing to take responsibility for their sins.

Owning is the only way to overcome.

– Troy Haas, First Steps

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