hopequest blog

Walking Free – Week Twenty-Five

Consistency vs. Wavering

What does it mean to be consistent? When I think of someone who is consistent, I think of words like dependable, trustworthy, and steady. I know what to expect from that person. Granted, a person can be consistently absent or cruel, but at least there are no surprises.

Consistency is important because it allows us to trust and helps us feel safe. There is nothing more damaging to a relationship than inconsistency – saying one thing but doing another, breaking a promise, neglecting a responsibility. And there is nothing more life-giving to a relationship than faithfulness.

One of our defining struggles is our lack of consistency. We are driven by our emotions and our circumstances – acting like we are all alone instead of sons of the One True King.

Jesus, on the other hand, is consistent. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. His mercies are new every morning. We really can trust Him.

– Troy Haas, First Steps

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