
Journey is a community of women who have experienced betrayal and loss as a result of their spouses’ struggle with pornography addiction or other life-dominating sexual sin. Journey groups give women a safe place to:

  • Grieve with others who can identify with their pain
  • Grow in identifying and expressing emotions
  • Learn to set healthy boundaries with themselves and others
  • Allow God to use authentic relationships to heal and transform them from the inside out
  • Experience hope and healing, no matter what choices their spouses make along the way

Spouses on the journey work together through a core curriculum that addresses issues relevant to their situation and helps them connect with God in a time of daily devotion. They also experience the healing power of spiritual community as they deal with real-life hurts, struggles and sins. In a word, Journey is about relationships—relationships with God and other believers that help women walk this life with grace and truth regardless of what happens in their marriage.

Looking for a safe place to find support and hope? Connect with a group in your area. Connect Today

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Journey groups meet in other locations in metro-Atlanta and other states. See if there is a Journey group near you. Find a Journey Group

Start a Group in your Area

Interested in starting a Journey group? HopeQuest provides materials, as well as coaching, in a proven process of starting a successful recovery group. Start Your Group