The training and consulting extension of our ministry has developed over the last decade, as church leaders have begun to see the impact of addiction, particularly sexual addiction, on the church. Many have asked us for help in educating and training their local church members to minister to those struggling with sexual addiction and help them create environments in their churches where people can be real about their problems.
Our training and consulting team are experienced and skilled communicators who share authentically from their own personal stories of brokenness and restoration, and they are passionate about helping the Body of Christ experience hope, freedom and life through authentic spiritual community. Collectively, they bring decades of experience and practical knowledge in helping churches navigate challenging and complicated situations with grace and wisdom. Team members have spoken all over the world to many different kinds of audiences. We also adapt our material and resources every time we train small group leaders or speak in large group settings to best meet the needs of those we are helping. Whatever your need–help with a church crisis, training small group leaders, speaking at your men’s or women’s conference–we are ready and able to help.