hopequest blog

Walking Free – Week Thirteen

FIRST STEPS ON FREEDOM’S PATH Sometimes we know where we want to end up, but we are unsure of what first steps we should take to get there. Many of us end up not moving forward at all. We get stuck because we don’t know what to do first. It all … [Read more...]

Trek – Week Thirteen

The Moral Inventory is one of the tools taught to the clients in the Trek Program. The Moral Inventory (MI) is a tool that helps clients deal honestly with their failures and sinful choices by promoting emotional awareness and clarity about specific … [Read more...]

Journey – Week Thirteen

Support groups like Journey will usually be made up of safe people. All of us have experienced the pain you are going through and understand the dynamics of being married to a man who struggles with habitual sexual sin. Christian counselors and … [Read more...]

Walking Free – Week Twelve

“I Feel…About…Because… God created us for relationship with Himself and others, and He modeled us after His own image. We are created in the image of God. But what does that mean? Part of your journey into becoming the man God created you to be … [Read more...]