hopequest blog

Trek – Week Thirty-One

Emotional growth is a process.  It will feel uncomfortable at first, but if you are intentional about recognizing and identifying your emotions and sharing them with others, you will grow in emotional maturity. There will come a day when your … [Read more...]

Journey – Week Thirty-One

Hello, dear sister. I just want to remind you today that you are greatly loved and accepted, that the Father delights in you and is experiencing with you every emotion and hurt in your life right now. You are not alone, and He is working all of this … [Read more...]

Walking Free – Week Thirty

The blame game is deadly mindset #1. We saw its birth in Genesis as Adam and Eve pointed fingers when confronted by God about their sin. They began it, and we have perfected it. Blaming basically says, “It’s not my fault!” Flip Wilson was a … [Read more...]

Trek – Week Thirty

Emotional Maturity has developed when I can: acknowledge, accept, and identify my feelings, share my feelings with others in ways that strengthen relational connection, empathize with others about their feelings, and choose … [Read more...]

Journey – Week Thirty

You might be thinking something like this right now: “Melissa, it would be different if I were grieving the death of my spouse. There is no shame in mourning a death. This is different, though. It is too embarrassing and humiliating to let others … [Read more...]