hopequest blog

Trek – Week Thirty-Two

Anger is an emotion God gave us to enable us to move to protect ourselves or others from danger or harm when something hurtful or scary has happened.  Anger is accompanied by a physical rush of adrenaline and other neurochemicals which impact us … [Read more...]

Trek – Week Thirty-One

Emotional growth is a process.  It will feel uncomfortable at first, but if you are intentional about recognizing and identifying your emotions and sharing them with others, you will grow in emotional maturity. There will come a day when your … [Read more...]

Trek – Week Thirty

Emotional Maturity has developed when I can: acknowledge, accept, and identify my feelings, share my feelings with others in ways that strengthen relational connection, empathize with others about their feelings, and choose … [Read more...]

Trek – Week Twenty-Nine

Our hearts are like a cup which has a limited emotional capacity. If our hearts are full of heavy emotions like hurt and sadness, anger and resentment, fear and anxiety, guilt and shame, there will be very little room left for emotions like peace, … [Read more...]

Trek – Week Twenty-Eight

What about focusing on facts instead of feelings?  While it is true that we can confuse our feelings with reality and act on a feeling rather than what is best for us, if we stay in our heads, we will never grow in relationship with others.  … [Read more...]