hopequest blog

Trek – Week Forty-Two

You’ll learn a ton of tools for dealing with anxiety while you are in the program — beginning, of course, with identifying it and expressing it to others in the community. Journaling is also a great way to start making the connections between your … [Read more...]

Trek – Week Forty-One

One of the critical growth areas for our recovery is to begin connecting the dots between our emotions and our behaviors. Since anxiety is such an uncomfortable emotion to experience, it can be pretty persuasive in motivating us to seek … [Read more...]

Trek – Week Forty

Anxiety has these four components: • Feeling of uneasiness, agitation, or discomfort • Some physiological sign (specific to each individual but can be things like sweating, increased heart rate, tightness in chest, butterflies in stomach, restless … [Read more...]

Trek – Week Thirty-Nine

In terms of an emotional experience, crippling fear is the worst.  There is probably nothing more distressing to a person than feeling completely helpless and powerless.  But that is not the only kind of fear that can trip us up in recovery. Anxiety … [Read more...]

Trek – Week Thirty-Eight

If you are triggered, you may suddenly feel very angry — like so angry you want to hit something or quit the program. You may just have the urge to run, like you have to get out of the room and away from people. You might feel overwhelmed by a desire … [Read more...]