hopequest blog

Trek – Week Twenty-Two

Remember, without healthy relationships, we don’t change and we don’t heal.  So, learning to express our feelings to others in ways that they can hear us and know us is the next step in our trek toward recovery. First, we recognize and identify our … [Read more...]

Trek – Week Twenty-One

Okay, so usually when someone starts talking about expressing feelings, people start experiencing some predictable reactions. I’ve heard everything from “You’ve got to be kidding me” to “No (bleeping) way!” The fact that most people are so resistant … [Read more...]

Trek – Week Twenty

When we are learning to recognize and identify our feelings — a.k.a. emotional awareness — we begin by thinking about the general bucket it goes into.  Is this an emotion I am enjoying feeling or would I rather it went away? That gives us a clue as … [Read more...]

Trek – Week Nineteen

The first step in reclaiming your life is to re-connect with your emotions.  In recovery work, we call this Emotional Awareness. Now, for some of us, this can be a little tricky because we don’t know what to call the emotion we are experiencing. We … [Read more...]

Trek – Week Eighteen

Emotions are the fuel that drive our actions.  So if we are going to have any chance of changing unhealthy or hurtful behaviors, we have to pay attention to our feelings. Most of us — especially those of us who struggle with addiction — are … [Read more...]