hopequest blog

Trek – Week Eighteen

Emotions are the fuel that drive our actions.  So if we are going to have any chance of changing unhealthy or hurtful behaviors, we have to pay attention to our feelings. Most of us — especially those of us who struggle with addiction — are … [Read more...]

Journey – Week Eighteen

Everyone’s grieving process is different because we are all different. Some women feel a great deal of pain and loss initially while others are consumed with anger and have trouble feeling sorrow. No matter how you are wired, though, you will need to … [Read more...]

Walking Free – Week Seventeen

Jesus surrendered as He was being chased by OUR sin. The things you did that brought you to this place were some of the very things that caused Christ to surrender in the Garden. God’s deep, abiding love for you, for me, and for the rest of the world … [Read more...]

3 Things for a Better 2019

I don't know about you but for me ringing in the new year signifies "new beginnings".  At HopeQuest, we love new beginnings! Actually, when it comes down to it that is exactly what we offer. Paul expressed it like this, "Therefore, if anyone is in … [Read more...]

Trek – Week Seventeen

God is a God who feels. He created us to feel, and it is our capacity to feel that allows us to relate to Him and others. If we are not feeling, we are not relating.  And if we are not relating, there is no hope for healing.  Feelings are the tools … [Read more...]