hopequest blog

Trek – Week Thirty-Two

Anger is an emotion God gave us to enable us to move to protect ourselves or others from danger or harm when something hurtful or scary has happened.  Anger is accompanied by a physical rush of adrenaline and other neurochemicals which impact us … [Read more...]

Journey – Week Thirty-Two

Today's blog is a continuation of: Journey – Week Thirty-One None of the types of anger I have listed will help you to connect with others. In fact, they all sabotage healthy, interconnected relationships with the people that you love. Does that … [Read more...]

Walking Free – Week Thirty-One

The second deadly mindset is a subtle but powerful enemy of truth. It is shame - a mindset of self-hatred that fuels destructive behaviors and distorts reality. Shame proclaims, “I am worthless and defective, hopelessly screwed up, and if you really … [Read more...]

Trek – Week Thirty-One

Emotional growth is a process.  It will feel uncomfortable at first, but if you are intentional about recognizing and identifying your emotions and sharing them with others, you will grow in emotional maturity. There will come a day when your … [Read more...]

Journey – Week Thirty-One

Hello, dear sister. I just want to remind you today that you are greatly loved and accepted, that the Father delights in you and is experiencing with you every emotion and hurt in your life right now. You are not alone, and He is working all of this … [Read more...]