hopequest blog

Walking Free – Week Twenty-Six

Relationship vs. Isolation

I’m a big sports fan. I love all sports, and I mean that literally. While football and baseball certainly are some of my favorites to watch, I also find myself interested in lesser-known sports like curling and fencing. A World Cup soccer game between Italy and Nigeria is, to date, the greatest sporting event I have ever witnessed.

I have always placed games into two categories of sports – team sports and individual sports. I have come to understand now that there is no such division.

The most successful teams are made up of those who excel individually. And the most successful individuals are those who surround themselves with the best team. I have rarely watched a tennis final without seeing several shots of the player’s coach and advisors. Tiger Woods carefully chooses his caddie and swing coaches and physical therapists. He plays alone, but he doesn’t win alone.

These competitors cannot win alone and neither can we. But because of all the secrets we’ve been hiding, because of all our shame and pride, we have tried to fight this battle alone. We’ve been isolated, and Satan has used the opportunity to deceive us and destroy our intimacy with God.

– Troy Haas, First Steps

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