hopequest blog

A word of encouragement for our Friends and Partners in Hope

“In my anguish I cried to the LORD, and he answered by setting me free.” ~Psalm 118:5 (NIV 1984)

Often times in our anguish, trouble, crisis, or despair, we cry out to the Lord for an immediate answer to an immediate problem. We don’t want to look for destructive habits, assess weaknesses, or explore unhealed wounds; we simply want to be rescued from the moment!

But what God desires for us is much bigger – yet much smaller. It is much grander – yet much more intimate. His plan for us is a life of freedom built on intimate relationship with Him. More than a list of things to do or not do, His call to our hearts is to be with Him, not always do for Him. One of our Walking Free participants recently shared, “It is my relationship which motivates my obedience, not the other way around.”

God has blessed our HopeQuest ministry team with a clear vision for crisis care, counseling, and discipleship to those struggling with life-dominating behaviors. We are thankful for your friendship and Kingdom investment as we guide those in our treatment center on their path to freedom.

With grateful hearts,

Your HopeQuest ministry team